
YOU are not ALONE :D

haaaaai kawans! saya sudah beres ujian tengah semester dan kembali disambut dengan hangat oleh para tugas dan ulangan! maaann we're human and we have the word 'tired' in our dictionaries. ngomong" tadi gw debat ama guru ekonomi gw yg sedikit aneh tp cute tp banyak anehnya sih. hmmmm am i that annoying or is it just him? haha abisnya gw nangkep dari gesture dy kalo dy itu sombong (aja sih). makanya gw lawan. aplg dy nyantai wooo langsung aja. yes yes i have to admit that i'm that rebellious. tapi lewat apa yg dy omong tadi sedikit nancep, gw tau dy maksudnya nyepet, tp entah masuk banget k benak gw. gw mikir emg gw masih childish baaaaanget, that i cant handle any single problem without my Dad's help. gw super super kekanak"an soalnya dikit" gw marah lah, moody lah, negative thinking lah etc.

my intention is just to change whats bad in me and just started a whole new blank page every single day. forget whats yesterday's problem and let it be. keep moving forward. but sorry for your inconvenience bcs i'm still workin on it. hehee :)

oh iya gw jg baru aja nemuin sesuatu yg gw sendiri gatau itu apaan tapi gw seneng banget bisa keemu mereka. there's one of m friend told me that i'm not alone, i'm not the only one suffering from all these probs. bcs we teenagers usually have one thing in common, its identity crisis. kita masih gatau siapa kita sebenernya, apa tujuan kita diciptain dan dikasih kesempatan di dunia ini, juga masih banyak hal yang perlu kita pelajarin. and that girl reminded me of it.


even when the world's turned its face off you, the world isnt your everything. its your Father who gave His all to you, and you should be too. so dont be afraid of everything, but your God.

and i feel so blessed from that time on, up until now bcs ive met ppl who's got the same position as me, dan juga bikin gw sendiri sadar kalo manusia itu ga semuanya sempurna. kita semua butuh satu sama lain to rely on. kita harus saling melengkapi biar smua hal yg udh kita lakuin tuh worthit. buat apa kita ngelakuin hal" hebat kalo cuma disimpen sendiri? hey that's why we were created.

thanks for the girl that reminded me about things that surround me all this time but i just never realized it before bcs i'm still too busy making myself the center of all things. thanks:)

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