Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?
Not the plastic bag in Katy Perry's Firework, but like real plastic bags. The ones people use as a container. As in my house, I use plastic bags too. Everybody does. But I use it as a trash bin cover. So when the bin is full, we can just remove the plastic bag and switch it with a new one. Tadaa! Very simple.
As an analogy, I've been feeling like that thing for the last few days. I don't know if it's me having problem with myself or it's really him.
I have this other best friend. Let's just call him M. He is fresh, not an old friend. I like him very much, because he makes me feel frank. I feel like I can talk to him without even stopping. Okay, I stop, but I always have something to talk to him.
However, lately, he's been stop talking to me. Not the kinda stop like a full stop, but more to a seldom. He still does talk, however, those times were always when he needed me the most. For instance, it's like when he had to decide something, he came to me and told me his sad songs and he just sighed sighed and sighed. That's all I got. His sighs. I was like a plastic bag full of vomit. And I'm the plastic bag. I'm the one taking his pains away, yet I'm the one who get thrown away, just exactly like a trash.
He also said that I was the one staying away from him. I didn't. It was because we are now in separate classes. I have new friends, so does him. And I think that is good, bcs we can improve our relations, have more friends. That's good, isn't it? Yet he accused me as the one staying away and forgetting him. No, I tell you, I don't. I love you as my friend, and I care about you. But my intuition said it was you taking yourself back and never to talk to me again. When I asked what had happened, you used to tell me what happened. That is the key, you just won't tell me your secrets anymore. We barely share one now. I always want to tell you, but you don't take it seriously. What should I do to get our beautiful friendship back?
I hope you understand me too.
#ngeluh #galau
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