
whole new things

ah gw sma mamen!

lama ga posting wey! miss my blog ohmy. wkwk.
i'm at senior high school nooww
more responsibility
more more more everything!

awalnya suram gt ya kls gw
tpi trnyata ada seorg jason wijaya yg bikin kls jdi hebring hha
gw si pndkung aja msh jaim wkwk

ahh my class is not that bad i guess. but i would love to be placed in xb. the girls are better ones *whom i know hha. ah stop kacau grammar gw hhe

buku pljrn gw tebel abis kyk buat nimpuk. aplgi buku cip hha kasihan kalian aku takut kalian bongkok smua hhe
gatau knp
pdhl kdg gw suka ga ngonek jga sama mrka
i just miss them very very so so much!

especially my ken :) gw suka jdi esmosian mkr ttg si bulet satu ini. hbsnya udh ga prnh ktmu cuek bebek lgi lu! -_- wkwk tpi its good overall. i guess ive got to the end already but its not hhe

i miss all angelicious!
but i hv to move on
with my new friends, i wont forget the old ones
how could i? theyre my best i CANNOT forget them. always.

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