
stres dadakan :(

gatau kenapa malem ini gw pengen banget posting
mungkin gara2 stres kali yhh
tiba2 aja ngerasa stres

buat apa stres kalo ga ada hal yg di stresin?

i have several facts.

one, i neither can fit in to my new environment, nor can stand out.

two, i have no one to hold on here. just havent find a new shelter.

three, got stressed out by the lesson i got at school.

four, i miss my Father. i need his guidance.

five, i miss the warmth of my family.

six, i miss my ken pradipta.

see? so much things disturb my thought. i DAMN miss my jhs times.
where everything seems to be just fine. now, everything seems so delicate. if i hold it too hard, itll break. if i dont hold it, itll fall and break.

satu lagi, gw bngung sama perasaan gw sndiri. gw sampe mikir, kok gw bsa sampe kyk gini sih? blame me. just blame me for all these. im sorry for all my beloved ones. i love you all.

p.s. hash najis amat soso inggris. but this is me. kalo lgi stres ato kesel ya ngmg tarzan english gini hahaha ;p

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