
The Joy of The First Roll

I read my sister's blog the other day and I feel like posting now.

My last post was when, a year ago? Whether or not it was a year ago, the post seems distant to me. I don't even remember why I posted that in the first place.

So I want to share my excitement I got today.

MY FIRST ROLL IS HERE! Let me tell you a little bit of background story.

A few months ago, I met a guy. His name is Jeffrey. He was from Hong Kong and he used to work for Lomography in Hong Kong. In case you don't know what Lomography is, it is a toy camera company that manufactures plastic cameras. They are not digital cameras, however. Their cameras are all analogs. In other words, the cameras use film rolls.

(I think it is weird how this universe works. It goes forward, but some aspect of life just keeps recycling.)

Triggered by Jeff's hobby, I started doing this analog camera thing on late April. My sister (again) has a fisheye analog from Lomography as well, so I already know that the pictures yielded from the camera would turn out good and unique.

Felly and me. One of the best shots of the roll!
This picture above is one of the examples.
You know that feeling when you open your mailbox and find a letter or package that is for you, not just trash letters. You know that feeling when you get a phone call from someone. You know that feeling when you win trivial quiz from a radio station and receive the prize. This feeling is what I felt when my sister told me my roll is developed and she is taking it for me! Yaaay!

Meet Jeffrey. The Lomoguy.
Mixed up between curious (because I cannot see the result until it is developed) and excited (because it is my first roll!), I insert the CD of the scanned negatives. Instead of 36 exposures, I found 25 exposures. Well, 23 because one of them turned out to be pitch black and a burned slide. However all the exposures are so good they almost made me tear up :') That moment of joy tho! Here's more picture to be bragged about.

Kimberly and me

I smell summer! A tree on my apartment block.

Jeffrey and me

Lake Meridian on a very sunny day :)

Alfares and me
Of course the pictures are not crystal clear like the ones you get from digital cameras. It is rather blurred at the edges or maybe too dark. But this is what makes each of the exposures so special. They would never be the same with any other one. The fact that each picture is irreplaceable. (I think this is some sort of an allegory about us, human. We are not the same as each other and we have flaws too, which is another reason why I love this kind of camera. It makes me feel human.)

Technical lesson I got from my adjustment roll is that I have to use a stronger flash for selfies. Notice some selfies are really dark because I took them indoor. But the outdoor one, the one I took in Lake Meridian and the picture of Felly and me........are stunning. I want to keep taking picture with these retro camera! Not that I want to walk backwards, but just because I can.


1. Self-Awareness

I'm thinking about my future most of the time now. The uncertainty of the future scares me a lot. I don't know who to hold on to. No one really inspires me, and I don't feel like there is anyone that really supports me, except for my mom. She supports me but she doesn't really understand me at times. I'm afraid if there is no university that will accept me, and me coming to the US is a waste of money and time. And that I will only be a burden to my mom. She is my only parent now since my dad's passed away 3 years ago. She's working really hard to gather all the money to pay for my expenses and tuition. But my brain can't seem to work smarter than it was before, like it is.....degrading. My climax point of intelligence was during high school. But then it starts to degrade.....Or is it just because of my laziness?

I'm also thinking about my partner. I haven't found anyone that seem to matter so much to me. Not more than a mere admiration. I like Calvin for now, but it just seems to be a waste of time and energy since he's not even looking at me. Deep down, I know he's not the one, but then some of these bastards inside my head keep telling me that he could be the one too. What about Kevin? He used to like you and you dump 'em. Now you gotta pay for it. I feel like I'm not gonna find my partner in such a short time. Not until I transferred, at least. Or......I'm even afraid to say what's next.

These two things make me consider of being a nun. *sigh*

At the moment, I feel like I'm a worthless son of a bitch. I haven't nailed any academic achievements in the past years, I haven't had any boyfriend in the past years. Which means that there's something wrong with me, either physically or mentally. I'm not improving. My pride, I have put it on the floor just for this Calvin guy. But then again, he didn't look at it and he innocently stepped on it. Now my self-esteem is at its lowest point possible. I can't help it. No one really affects me at the moment. Well, it's the matter of how I want it to be but.....nah. I'm still reeling helplessly in this pit.

Of course I believe in God. I believe that He will have the best plan possible for me. It's just about time. Now is not the right time, and I believe that I don't need anyone to hold on to right now. I have to find a strength in myself and solidify it as solid as a rock. I have to work extra hard to crawl back up to the top once again and get everything I want. I did once, and I believe I can do it again. I have to improve myself. I believe when the time where I finally get to improve myself, everything will come back to me and I will be able to brace myself against any odds and ends.


For a really long period of time, I haven't been able to cope with the things around me. Fuck.
Udah bertaun taun rasanya terakhir kali gw ngepost ya. The last one was, when? May 2013?
Hella long.

It's 2014 now! I made some rubbish resolutions I hope I could fulfill lols. Here it is:
1. Gonna go save up for a new mac! $10 per week should take me 2 years to get a new one.
2. I can only hang out on Friday nights, and spend max $30 (well, I kinda go past this one alr lol)
3. 1500 cals per day! Dammit I also went past this regulation
Umm, so far I stick to the first one only. But the second and the third was kinda hard to do....But making my way up!

I'm surprised tho to see my blog dashboard and see some people still posting stuff. I thought blogger was alr deserted long time ago. Way to go bloggers!
And I just realized as I was writing the previous line, that blog is the place where you can express your feelings free. Not afraid to be judged, since only people that knows your blog can read what's inside.

Consistent with my statement of not being judged, I wanna scream today.
I just had the weirdest dream ever. I don't know if this was because of the egg and salmon and sour cream and meat my friends and I ate at 3.30 in the morning or my mind has gone crazy.

Jadi kemaren gw ceritanya tidur siang. Like 2.5-hour nap. Heheee. In that sleep, when I was just about to wake up (or maybe I was sleeping too much that I dreamed a lot), I saw this guy, named Calvin, kissed a girl I know. Not well enough to know her feelings but I had a suspicion. I, then, jolted up with sharp breath and a mental pain in the head. Dammit, shit just got real. The image was so vivid that I found it hard to shake off.

Oh, by the way, the guy on my post in May is not the same guy as Calvin. He's my best friend now. Calvin was supposed to be the rebound guy, but......oh, well.
And so he actually knows how I feel since I told him, but he didn't reply me. He hang out with me for a while, then distanced since he hangs out with these freshmen that are obviously more up to his standards, at least for him. How sad, being lifted up to the cloud 9 and then you stepped on the wrong cloud and fell down to the earth.

Jadi gw lari dengan nugas. It works really well with me. Gw rada pusing sama application buat uni, sama exam, sama pr, jadi lupa dehhh.

At like 10.30 PM my other friend picked me up and took me to supper up in Green Lake. Terus kita ceritanya mau cari dessert tp malah end up makan Beth's Cafe. Beth's Cafe sells breakfast menu for 24 hours. It is located in the 99 highway. Beth's terkenal banget nget nget sampe kita belain antri ampir 2 jam buat akhirnya take away dan makan di rumah gw. Kita sampe balik jam 3.30 AM dan makan telor jam segitu. Hahahahaha I wanna laugh so hard that I pee my pants.

Jadi gw akhirnya tidur jam 4 an gitu. Terus around 9 am (or so I thought), gw mimpiin this same guy again. Why the two dreams in a row.......

In this one is different tho, he and his friends were in my house and they were about to leave. So when his friend opened the door for them, he suddenly turned and asked me,"One more?" and he kissed me while everyone was cheering. This dream was also very, very vivid. I even felt his touch on my waist as we kissed. Fuck. When a plumber knocked on my door, I was like,"Crap!" It was only in my dream. It's all my head set up for me to feel happy. It deludes. *sigh*

Now what's left is my homework, the university applications, and the feeling I tried so hard to get rid of. What nice way to spend a three-day-weekend.


Rubbish. WARNING: don't read.

Can’t I have you for my own?
Can’t I tell you I adore you ever since?
Can’t I be trapped in your charm?
The first day we met, I knew there would be something going on.
I was pumped to be the best of me ever since I knew you.
I wanted to be in my best shape, since you demand appearance.
I tried really hard to be the smartest in class just to impress you.
I tried to be that “it” girl so that I can be compared to you.
I dreamed of you twice.
You always bring butterflies to my tummy when we touch.
You give colors to my dull days.
You tell me your stories and I will never get bored of them.
You get sick, and I will care for you.
You get lost, I’ll try to help you out as best as I could.
It’s always been you who kept the distance between us.
It’s always been you that dumped me.
It’s always been you that never looked at me because of my appearance.
It’s always been you that ignore me when I want to tell my stories.
It’s just you never been there for me you never really care.
It’s just you that shut the whole system of hope down like there’s no tomorrow. Like there’s no other.
You disarmed me from my guns.
The guns I used to chase others, you took away.
I hate being the one who always have to wait.
But it sucks to be the one who chase, especially a girl, and be ignored afterwards.
It sucks to be the one who waited for so long to only get wasted.
It sucks to be the one who gathered all the fibers of courage and then made the first move, only to be called a whore.
So tired of love.
Why does love have to exist?
Why is it so inevitable?
Why do you have to exist?
I wish I never had to meet you.
Even if I did meet you, I wish I could be in your arms.
I wish you felt the same way I always do.
I wish we could be happy, and happy ever after did exist.
And that happy ever after is a transcript of us.

P.S. oh, fuck grammar. I was just too desperate to even try proofreading this junk. Ha ha.


Oh, how I long to be carefree.

Hi! It's been amazingly many months since my lastest post. Yes, I've been very busy ever since, and well I didn't really have a thing to be discussed yet. But now I have. Oh, fuck grammar. Setelah menjejakkan kaki di negara paman Sam ini, gue malah makin jago berbahasa tanah air, Indonesia. Bukannya makin jago nulis dlm bahasa Inggris malah kosakata bahasa gaul gue nambah. Beuuuuh, kalo kata orang Bandung. Gue udah beberapa kali coba ngepost sebelum ini, eh, tapi cuma ended up in my draft tab. But I guess the people working inside my brain just got bored and needed some time off by expressing how bored they are working inside my brain. And, they want to publish it. Here.

To be honest, it's so much harder to hang out with local people than international people. By international people, I mean others besides American. From what I observed, it is mostly because of the different culture and different slangs, or maybe jokes. Some Americans are friendly enough to be made a friend, but mostly, they only hang out with themselves. I found it easier to be with Asian, especially, or European because we are equally not from US and so we feel the same way, away from home.

Talking about away from home, I miss my home.
I miss the blowing noon breeze that brought along the smell of the sun to my sister's room, which we occupy together.
I miss my little brother and sister.
I miss having them with me and there to laugh with me.
I miss my mom.
I miss having her saying things that, sometimes, hurt my feelings.
I miss her advices.
Well, even though I have Skype (thanks to Skype's CEO that made talking to people in the other half of the world possible), it doesn't feel the same. But the most important thing is, I miss being carefree.

When I was in high school, life was so much easier. To be precise, avoiding fights was so much easier. Unlike here, I used to stay away from any trouble and made myself a shelter to people who was fighting. I listened to their stories, and sometimes if they asked, I gave them little amateur advices. Here, my roles were gone. It is entirely different.

I have this amazing friends with me. Let's say, I'm in an inner circle of girls. The first time I got here, I was already with them. I hung out with them, I played with them, I did homework with them, I took classes with them, I told them my secrets. Just like what girlfriends do. Then comes the problems. I don't know if it was me the problem, or them being overly sensitive.

I understand fully that I'm in their inner circle. Supposedly, I have to hang out with them. But not all the time, right? I have other friends I enjoy hanging out with. In the inner circle, I was just another someone because sometimes I'm quiet and honestly, I'm a boring person to be with unless they can keep me interested all the time. So, instead of being a wallflower, I tried to hang out and mingle with others. I keep seeking a shelter for myself, someone that will make me his/her first priority. But none. I found none. Not even the inner circle.

So last week, I went to a movie with these other friends, and I found someone I like being with. I don't think he feels the same way I do, tho. We watched Pain and Gain that has Dwayne Johnson in it and decided to watch Ironman 3 together the following week. On one day between the Pain and Gain day and Ironman 3 day, one from my inner circle asked me to go with them. Well, it is my flaw to be so forgetful. I said yes to her, when suddenly, I remembered that the other friends asked me out already. On the exact same day. Uh-oh.

So, I tried to go with both of them, but failed miserably. After the movie, I got stuck in my inner circle, being ignored for the rest of the afternoon just because I sat separately with the circle while we were watching the movie. I felt bad enough that I sat separately because there were no space for all of us, so I decided to eat together with them instead of following the others. That time, I really wanted to eat what the others eat because it was cheaper and I was in the mood. But for the sake of the circle, I followed them to eat somewhere more expensive and what I was not really in the mood. As a result, I got ignored by the rest of the because of the seat incident. Well they didn't really show it, but I could tell. Duh, you guys were so obvious! Oh, how I long to be carefree to hang out with anyone I like.

Oh, how I long to be carefree.

That's one drama. Oh, don't worry there's a sequel to that, I'm afraid.

I like this one guy. He's all I ever wanted to be with. He's cute, the cutest of all guys I know, and smart, and interesting, to my account, and carefree, and caring. He cares about me, at some points. But, here comes the but, he seeks appearance, which I obviously don't own. He keeps hanging out with me, doing homework with me, what's more, keeping me wanting and hoping. There's this one time when I learned to let him go, to just take him as not more than just a friend, but he gave me hope. I became more confident than before, but he let me down one more time.

I don't know what to do. Homeless and confused, that's all I am right know. I planned to abstain from seeing him, but I have a class with him this quarter. There's always one thing or the other that kept me hooked to him. Oh, how I hate the fact that you are so lovable.

Is there any way I could tell you that I like you? If there is, does it guarantee that our relationship will stay the same? Oh, how I long to be carefree. Carefree to state whatever I want to.

Oh, how I long to be carefree.

I miss my old life, I miss my family, I miss my home.

Is this what people call homesick?


Long were the nights
When my nights once revolved around you
You paint me a blue sky
Go back and turn it to rain
I lived in your chess game
But you changed the rules everyday
Maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame
Or maybe it's your sick need
To give love and take it away

Dear John, Taylor Swift

prospect vs passion

hi! its been a very merry long time since my last post. i didnt even post about my previous holidays. ahahha, the words just wont come out. sometimes, things are better left done, not written. hahaha, lol. stfu geb.

anyway, now i'm going to post something, which is not much of your interest, yes, you all, the readers. i, in this very time, am very confused over my choice in college. what i'm suppose to choose to get a bright future. well, the major doesnt seem much of a help in building ur future, but it sure does have a role to play in making you an adult and gives you the knowledge necessary. yes?

on one side, i feel like chasing the impossible, for everything's possible. i want to pursue my career in either pharmacy or biotech. pharmacy, bcs i searched through the webs and they say, pharmacy is the 3rd best paid job in the US. not that i'm gonna live in the US, but bcs i can live in both, US and Indonesia after i graduate. a pharmacist is also needed in here, Indonesia, too, because meds never die. on the other side, i also have an interest in biotech, bcs a doctor told me so. he said that biotech right now is the best choice, because you get to know things that are biotechnologically modern. ah, whatever. but i do have an interest in biology, too. *tho the marks are not real good, i'm interested*

the 2 majors i mentioned above have good prospect so far, bcs they never really die, like business. i dont say that business is a cul de sac, but it's like an escape path for ppl who dont want to be busy and study hard. i also dont blame them. its their choice. but i dont want mine to be like that. also, there will always be someone who's really good at business, they study hard, and take everything seriously. it's good, really.

oh yeah, i also have a hobby, cooking. cooking can also be a career, a promising career. not to be a boss, but to be someone who runs the kitchen under someone else. or under yourself. anyway, i want to be a pastry chef. or just a chef, whatsoever, idc. i feel like my passion is in cooking. but cooking requires high creativity which i dont possess as long as i know. not as much, i mean. so the prospect for cooking in me is not as high as others may have.

i want something certain but i also want to do my passion..

and here's the big BUT.........
i cant choose between promising prospect and passion. prospect? passion? i dont know what to choose. so i want your guys' help. please comment, whoever read this. prospect or passion? because these things keep spinning in my head, but the time wont wait.

promising prospects or passion?